What to know when mixing eyebrow tint?

What to know when mixing eyebrow tint?

As a professional eyebrow artist, you must always create a mixed eyebrow tint. This will be important to deliver the best results for your clients. Therefore, we believe that our sharing below will be useful to you.

1. Some suggestions for choosing eyebrow colour according to current popular hair colours:

Some suggestions for choosing eyebrow colour according to current popular hair colours:

- Black hair: Black-haired girls should make their eyebrows dark brown, instead of black as usual. If your clients' skin is a bit dark, you can make your clients' eyebrows black or dark gray. Dark skin should choose dark brown. Light skin, choose gray-brown.

- Dark brown hair: Your clients will match the eyebrows with neutral tones of brown and coffee, making the eyes sexier. However, brown or black hair girls can still do black eyebrows if they want to look very personal.

- Light brown hair: Light brown hair will suit dark brown or sable eyebrows (brown sugar brown). On the contrary, dark brown colour will be for black and brown eyes. If your clients' eyes wear light-coloured lenses, sable will be a perfect choice.

- Blonde: Blonde hair colour is very prominent, so you should choose eyebrow colour in light and warm tones to avoid excessive contrast for your clients. You can combine earth brown with smoky gray and absolutely should not use black.

- Red hair: Although red hair is very beautiful and eye-catching, it will make it difficult to choose a colour for your client's eyebrows. You can make eyebrows with ash tones and dark brown instead (camel hair colour). The harmony between the red tones of the hair and the deep tones of the eyebrows will make your clients' face contours not drowned out compared to the vibrant hair colour.

- Red-brown hair: Your clients have reddish-brown hair, so they can stand out with their reddish-brown or warm brown eyebrows. The charm from the hair combined with the warm brown colour from the sharp eyebrows will help create a fresh pink colour for the face.

- Gray hair: Gray hair is trendy among young people. Stylish girls with modern gray hair should make their eyebrows dark gray or gray-brown.

See more: What to know if you're a new brow dye artist?

2. The most beautiful eyebrow tinting two-colour mixing formula

The most beautiful eyebrow tinting two-colour mixing formula

This is an important part that you should pay attention to, some of the mixing eyebrow tint recipes you may need.

- Fashionable brown eyebrow tint recipe

Step 1: 8.4 + oxygen 9 – raise the bronze background first to level 6 or level 7 and save the potion for 30 minutes.

Step 2: Wipe off the mixture.

Step 3: Dye according to the colour scheme: 6.66 + Mix brown + 5.0 + oxygen 6% (mix ratio: 90:30:10:100)

- Long-lasting black eyebrow dyeing formula

Step 1: Mix dye according to the formula 8.45 + Oxygen 9 (1:1 ratio) raise the background with black dye first to level 6 or level 7 and save the mixture for 30 minutes.

Step 2: Wipe off the mixture.

Step 3: Dye according to the dye mixing formula: 6.2 + Mix black + mix Blue + 5.0 + oxygen 6 (According to the ratio: 90:30:10:10:110)

3. What is the best eyebrow tint from LLBA Professional brand?

What is the best eyebrow tint from LLBA Professional brand

Henna ink is the best ink. It is one of the first inks in the world and is sourced from West and South Asia. This ink is extracted from parts of the henna plant and mixed with other natural ingredients, so it is safe. To colour your clients' eyebrows with tinting products, you need to prepare 1 teaspoon of henna ink and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. With the above mixing eyebrow tint formula, you should probably be as careful as possible if you want to deliver the best results for your clients. In fact, if your clients don't have time to go to the salon and need your help, you can guide them with the following basic steps:

Step 1: Put the henna squid and coconut oil in a small bowl, mix well to form a homogeneous mixture, and wait 5 minutes.

Step 2: Rinse the eyebrow area with warm water and wipe clean.

Step 3: Use a brush or mini brush with soft, fine bristles to apply the mixture to the eyebrows.

Step 4: Use a brush or mini brush to brush your clients' eyebrows and massage the area to make the ink penetrate more evenly.

Step 5: Wait 30-40 minutes and then wash their face with cold water.

Vacation is coming, it is also the time when we start giving our clients a more splendid and beautiful appearance. So, consider carefully and choose the best mixing eyebrow tint for your clients if they need your help. Above are suggestions for how to mix beautiful colours for eyebrows that we want to send you.