Explore the best eyebrow dye for men

Explore the best eyebrow dye for men

Recently, "men's eyebrow dye" has surprised young people as a new beauty trend. They don't just stop at the need to change hair colour but can also change the colour of eyelashes and eyebrows. Below is an illustration of the best way to dye eyebrows for men that we are preparing to advise you!

1. Benefits of eye brow dye for men

Benefits of eye brow dye for men

In order to create a unique and strange feature and prove their "playability", many male friends have chosen to dye their eyebrows with hair colour to make their eyes look more playful and personal. In addition, some people with light or sparse eyelashes also choose this method of eyebrow dyeing to have deep, thick, beautiful eyes.

- Create an elegant natural beauty for eyebrows: Gentlemen often have pale and coarse eyebrows so dyeing their eyebrows thicker will help them make their eyebrows fuller and darker. Eyebrow dye for men highlights the eyebrows and defines the eyebrow shape. As a result, the client's brows will look more prominent and attractive. Moreover, eyebrow dye helps to lengthen the eyebrows. The eyebrows become naturally beautiful.

- Help gentlemen with professional characteristics save time: Gentlemen, especially artists, actors, singers. With the specificity of the job, it is necessary to make up quickly and professionally. Then dyeing their eyebrows will help them shorten their makeup time, and still have the desired eyebrows.

- Dying brow is a simple and quick process: Quickness is one of the advantages of eyebrow dyeing. Customers will save time because the procedure only takes about 15 minutes to complete. In addition, everyone can benefit from eyebrow waxing, even busy people.

2. How should male clients choose eyebrow dye?

How should male clients choose eyebrow dye?

According to eyebrow experts, men's eyebrows dye with shiny black hair or dyed brown. When choosing eyebrows, they should choose a colour that is 1 to 2 tones lighter than the hair colour so that the eyebrows are not too dark or too eye-catching. At the same time, this helps your clients to have natural eyebrows, not "fake". When combing your clients' eyebrows, you can try a colour that is 1 tone lighter than your clients' hair colour first and then use a lighter colour than the original colour. Light brown colour will help your clients' eyebrows look not too dark if you originally have brown hair. If your clients' hair is jet black, choose a dark brown colour for your client's eyebrows. You can use dark brown colour to draw eyebrows. Using dark brown will be appropriate if your clients' eyebrows are inherently black and dark brown. Therefore, male clients should choose their eyebrow colour depending on many factors such as purpose, style, skin colour,.... and most importantly, match their hair colour. You can visit the LLBA Professional website or the offline store to purchase the ideal brow colour for your clients' brows. At LLBA, there are also many tones, such as light brown, dark brown, graphite,... suitable for each style of gentlemen.

3. What should male clients do after dyeing their eyebrows?

What should male clients do after dyeing their eyebrows?

Eyebrow care after dyeing is critical. It helps the ink layer to peel off faster and avoids colour splashes and eye inflammation. Therefore, please follow some of the following instructions to clean your clients' eyebrows properly!

- Keep your clients' brows dry for about 24-48 hours: For the first two days after the eyebrows dye for men, the eyebrows should be kept dry. Clients should stay away from heat or steam and avoid swimming and strenuous physical activity. This is the best eyebrow dye for blondes to maintain durability of eyebrow dye.

- Avoid applying makeup on your clients' eyebrows or using strong skin care products, especially removing makeup around the brow area for the first two days. Clients should give their eyebrows some time to rest and heal. All of these have the potential to make the shine of the stain worse.

- Avoid using face wash: For the first time after dyeing eyebrows, your clients absolutely do not use the cleanser to clean the skin. Because chemicals in the product can affect the healing process, and colour your clients' eyebrows. Not to mention, they need to use a lot of water to clean the cleanser. And water will easily cause ink splashes to shield the eyebrow colour at risk of being pale and out of focus. Gentlemen can refer to a post-dye care product provided by LLBA or use a cotton pad soaked in cooled boiled water and gently wipe. However, your clients should not do this often because it will affect the colour of the ink after dyeing. They may be faded or unevenly colored. In addition to using boiled and cooled water, they can use 0.9-degree physiological saline to clean and disinfect to prevent infection and heal quickly.

Above is all the useful information about eyebrow dye for men that we would like to share with you.