How to offer the perfect blue-dyed eyebrows?

How to offer the perfect blue-dyed eyebrows?

While dyeing your clients' brows is a fairly simple process, using blue dyed eyebrows on the sensitive skin around your clients' eyes, and so close to their eyes, can be somewhat dangerous. Make sure you follow all instructions very carefully below.

1. Avoid using permanent hair dye

Avoid using permanent hair dye

The blue-dyed eyebrows formulated for use on your scalp will be way too harsh on the skin around your clients' eyes. You may damage the fragile skin around their eyes or even singe their brows off. Hair dye is also incredibly damaging to the eyes if it gets in them. So, look for beard dyes, semi-permanent hair dyes, or demi-permanent eyebrow dyes instead. Beard dyes often come in a wide variety of neutral tones and are designed to dye fine hairs, like the ones in your clients' eyebrows.

2. To increase definition and make brows appear fuller, go one shade darker

To increase definition and make brows appear fuller, go one shade darker

Some beauty experts suggest trying to match the colour of their eyebrows to the darkest hairs on their heads. Darkening the hair will refine the shape of your clients' brows and can make their brows look thicker and fuller - perfect for anyone with sparse or very light eyebrows. You can try dyeing your clients' brows 2 shades darker if you want to up the drama of their look. Try not to go drastically darker than your clients' natural shade, their brows can look inky and fake, and your natural roots will be obvious when new hairs grow in.  

Lighten your clients' brows 1 or 2 shades if they've gone from dark to blonde hair. If you've made a big colour change with your clients' eyebrows, their dark brows might look a little harsh. If their brows are black, try dyeing them a dark brown. Again, try not to stray too far from your clients' natural shade so it won't look strange when their roots grow in. If you've colored your clients' hair blue dyed brows, you can add some warmth to their eyebrows to complement their hair colour. For instance, go from dark brown to mahogany. You can use honey as a natural lightning product. Mix a few tablespoons of honey with a cup of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, and then apply this to their eyebrows for 30 minutes before rinsing off.

3. Preparing to dye your clients' eyebrows

Preparing to dye your clients' eyebrows

Be aware of the risks. No blue-dyed eyebrows, even products marketed as eyebrow dye - are FDA approved for use on the eyebrows or eyelashes. Your clients can have an allergic reaction or damage the sensitive skin around the eye. The dyes can irritate and, if they get in the eye, can potentially cause blindness. If they decide to dye their eyebrows, you should be careful not to get any in the eye. Apply the dye in small amounts so it is less likely to drip off the applicator and into your client's eyes. Keep 2 bottles of sterile eye irrigation solution on-hand to flush out your clients' eye. Could you get any dye in it? Irrigate their eyes with the entire bottle and, if the burning continues, use the entire second bottle. Be sure to patch test the dye on the skin (the back of their neck or the inside of their upper arm will work). If the skin doesn't react in the 2 days following the treatment, you can dye your clients' browse without worrying about a reaction.

Besides, don't forget to wash your client's face with facial cleanser or soap. Blue-dyed eyebrows should be applied to a clean area. Gently scrub their eyebrows to remove oil and dirt. If their skin or eyebrows are oily, the dye may not work as well. Secure your clients' hair back from their faces, either by pulling it into a ponytail or using a headband or bobby pins. Make sure they remove any makeup as well so you can clearly see the colour change.

4.  Prepare the eyebrow dye as directed on the packaging. 

Prepare the eyebrow dye as directed on the packaging.

Because the results can differ depending on the kind of product used, we advise using high-quality items from a respected company like LLBA Professional. When using the dye on beards or eyebrows, it should have the consistency of a thick paste. The dye has not been well blended if it is runny or watery. The pasty composition keeps the dye on your clients' eyebrows without running into your client's eyes. Use no more than two pea-sized amounts of each if the colour is made up of two tubes of product that you mix. There won't be much of a need, and you may store the remaining dye for touch-ups in the future.

Don't forget to make the blue-dyed eyebrows solution right before you plan to use it.